Time Management

Worker, Interrupted: The Cost of Task Switching

We switch between tasks every few minutes. When we know we will be interrupted we work faster to compensate, increase our stress levels and think less. There are some recommended solutions...

Why You May Feel Too Guilty to Rest, and Why You Should Stop

Resting revitalises you, allows you to think and increases your productivity. The culture of busyness is counterproductive...

The Secret to Achieving Peak Productivity

In a world full of digital diversions, how are some people able to achieve a higher level of productivity than others? Here is a case study. The basics are to batch work and to have periods of high focus...

How to shorten meetings

10 ways to shorten long meetings...

'How meditation benefits CEOs'

A Harvard Business Review Article which details the improvements in performance achieved by CEOs who meditate. Note - I recommend that those of you who want to start meditating - subscribe to the 'Headspace' app...

Life Is Short

I love this quote – In a little-known passage of The Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith suggested, “It will be found, I believe, in every sort of trade, that the man who works so moderately as to be able to work constantly not only preserves his health the longest, but, in the course of the year, executes the greatest quantity of work"...

The average adult checks their phone 50-300 times a day

We are like Pavlov’s dog – trained to respond to any notification. Tips and tricks to wrest back control...

Change Your Screen To Greyscale To Combat Phone Addiction

Tristan Harris, former ethicist at Google suggests that one way to combat phone addiction is to enable greyscale on your phone. Here is how to do that...

Work less, not more is the tip from the CEO of BHP

Andrew McKenzie argues that "the more senior I've become, the more important it is that I work fewer hours. A rested Andrew can do more in four hours than a tired Andrew can do in eight," he said. Pretty good advice!..

The Shortness of Time

If we see someone throwing money away, we call that person crazy. This bothers us, in part, because money has value. Wasting it seems nuts. And yet we see others - and ourselves - throw away something far more valuable every day: Time. Time is invisible, so it’s easy to spend. It’s only near the end of our life that most of us will realise the value of time. Make sure you’re not too busy to pay attention to life...

Use Your Money to Buy Happier Time

A podcast (or you can read the transcript) which explains that we foolishly prioritise money over time. They argue that we should buy more help to do those things which we do not like doing and this would give us more time to do the things that we enjoy...

The Squiz

A new free daily summary of the news. Brief, unfiltered, an easy read. Recommended.