Ministers and Ministerial Staff

Managing so that the Prime Minister can lead: the role of the Prime Minister's Office in the policy process

This book chapter is written by Wayne Eagleson who was the Chief of Staff to John Key, the New Zealand Prime Minister.  It is worth reading to help you understand what it takes to knit the system together...

Statement of Standards for Ministerial Staff

These are the standards for Ministerial Staff in the Australian Government. You should read closely standards 11 and 12...

New politics: Preventing pork-barrelling

Pork-barrelling – misusing public money for political gain – is common in Australia and it’s undermining our democracy...

Politics and the English language

Minister Plibersek has asked that the Secretary send this article to all staff in her department with a request that they read it. It provides advice about how to write clearly...

Strengthening Partnerships

A valuable set of papers about how the staff of the APS should work with Ministers and their staff. The checklist at the end of the paper on Ministerial transitions should be used for reference by senior public servants from every jurisdiction...

New training to help public servants and ministers’ offices work together

The Australian Public Service Commission is developing material to help public servants and ministerial offices work better together, in response to the findings of the Thodey Review of the APS.  This is a very positive development...

What makes an effective minister

A UK publication of What Ministers do and how to do that well.  Our systems are different but there is a lot that is the same.  A good reminder for public servants and a resource for budding Chiefs of Staff...

How established bureaucracies can make new ministers feel in charge

Transition from opposition to government can be hard on ministers who aren’t used to seeing the public service as on their side. Now they need those agencies if they want to stay a minister. A very good summary by the former Chief of Staff to Bill English of factors to consider when your Minister is new to Government...

Be responsive and don't be rude: Nicola Roxon's advice to public servants

Former Commonwealth Minister has advice for public servants about dealing with a new Minister.  Especially important reading for those in New Zealand and Queensland...

Ministers and Mandarins - how public servants and politicians can work better together

The UK has been grappling with role and relationship between Secretaries, Ministers and Ministerial offices – here is the latest update...

Peter Varghese - valedictory speech (video)

Recommended – especially the section about clarity on the role of public servants versus the role of political staffers…

Lessons from the Home Insulation Program

Peter Shergold's final report on lessons from the Home Insulation Program.  The Executive Summary is 'must read' for all public servants.  In it he recommends a wide number of changes.  Key recommendations are ensuring that advice to Ministers is documented and a range of ways to 'open up' the public service.

Allan Behm's No, Minister

This is a very good book on Allan Behm's experience as Chief of Staff to Greg Combet. It also gives his guide to the qualities needed and the scope of the role of a Chief of Staff...