Doherty modeller warns of omicron winter return

COVID-19 has not gone away. There are predictions that cases will increase significantly over winter. You should plan for this scenario...

UK civil servants ordered back to the office

The UK Government has asked civil servants to accelerate their return to the office 'to boost staff collaboration and help local businesses’...

COVID-19 vaccinations: legislation and public health orders

Here is a good summary of the rules in each State and Territory with some guidance on the rights and obligations of workers. It is very complicated for national organisations...

COVID-19: Mandatory vaccinations in New Zealand

This Health Directive outlines those workers in New Zealand who are required to be vaccinated and to have had a booster shot. It is worth reading. The policy in Australia varies widely across States and Territories...

From the great attrition to the great adaptation

This podcast argues that in 2022 leaders will have to adapt to attract and retain good staff - otherwise these staff will leave to work elsewhere...

What You’re Getting Wrong About Burnout

Rest helps to avoid burnout but it is not enough. Other actions leaders can take to reduce burnout of their staff is to communicate that the work has purpose, to create a sense of belonging and to remind staff that they are making progress...

Zoom is the new norm for many workers returning to the office

Some people returning to offices are still spending most of the day alone on Zoom meetings...

When should the lockdown end?

Suppressing the virus will require much lower caseloads before lockdowns can lift, even if we meet vaccination targets. A thoughtful article by Michael Keating, former Secretary of the Australian Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet...

Vaccines: compulsory or conditional?

In a failure of leadership, some jurisdictions are leaving it to individual CEO's to decide whether vaccinations should be compulsory or conditional. This paper provides a good foundation for decision making...

I’m not languishing, I'm dormant

An excellent commentary on the Languishing article that I recently circulated. Austin Kleon argues that he dislikes the term and much prefers to use the term 'dormant'. He sees himself as dormant and waiting for the right conditions to be activated so that he can burst forth. A very good way of reframing where we are. Recommended...


The ‘neglected middle child’ of mental health can dull your motivation and focus - and it may be the dominant emotion of 2021...

Flexible Working Toolkit

This toolkit provides advice to managers in the NSW Department of Planning, Industry & Environment. It is an excellent resource and I particularly like the flow chart on page 12 and the advice and support they provide to managers...

Queensland Public Service advice on supporting return to workplaces

The Queensland Public Service Commission and the Queensland Department of Health have issued advice on supporting return to workplaces. The Leadership Board have agreed that workplace presence is the default arrangement for employees, unless a flexible work agreement is in place. There are a number of resources linked to the fact sheet which will be helpful to staff and to managers...

Leaders And Employees Are Burning Out At Record Rates: New Survey

The interesting thing about this international survey is that it is not about the public sector. It suggests that those who will do well in 2021 will focus on the basics and that empathy is the single most influential factor that prevents burnout...

How to Manage a Hybrid Team

Some practical tips for leading and managing a hybrid team. I expect that managing hybrid teams will be one of the new challenges that you will all face in the future. Those who do it well will have a competitive advantage. This is not just a COVID-19 issue...

Victorian Public Service Guidance on Remote Working

This guidance notes the role of public service workforce deployment in the social and economic recovery of Victoria. It sets out the default position for office based VPS staff of three days a week in the office subject to health requirements. Will other jurisdictions follow this lead?..

How People, Companies and Nations Can Grow from the COVID-19 Crisis

A video by Jonathon Haidt about how we can thrive in the Age of COVID-19. Excellent advice for individuals, leaders and parents. Highly recommended listen to the first twenty minutes...

If you do health admin on the cheap, don’t be amazed if things go wrong

A thoughtful article by Ross Gittins about the Victorian Quarantine Inquiry...

Perspective and performance in uncertain times

An 8 minute video which will help you to find perspective, adapt and grow in these uncertain times...

COVID-19 and public-sector capacity

An excellent article about the implications of COVID-19 for the public-sector. ‘In sum, decades of a misplaced focus on privatisation, outsourcing, and static efficiency have left many governments with reduced options and capacities in the face of the crisis. Governments require choices, and the capacity to manoeuvre flexibly and with competence.’..

Summary of the first week of witnesses before the Hotel Quarantine Inquiry in Victoria

Follow this link and scroll down to the Day 14 - 08 September 2020 hearing. Listen to the first 12 minutes for an overview of what evidence had been presented to that point. A lot to learn here about the consequences of fast decisions and ambiguous accountability. We all have to make fast decisions and we all have to make sure that we revisit these decisions to ensure that what we think is happening does happen...

Thinking Of Skipping Vacation? Don't!

Executives who take regular holidays perform more highly at work and are more satisfied. Here are some suggestions of how to have a good holiday, even if you are unable to travel...

How to Cope When Everything Keeps Changing

Knowing how to react when our plans fail, according to experts, is essential for recalibrating. Here are some strategies that you can use...

The implications of working without an office

This is the best article that I have found which looks at the implications of bringing staff back to the office or allowing them to work from home...

Coronavirus grief: Coping with the loss of routine during the pandemic

Grief is a normal response to the loss of routine and the uncertainty about the future - this article explains the stages of grief and what you need to do to work through this...

To be or not be, in the office

The Australian Financial Review asks experts where staff will do their best work when the world returns to normal. The consensus seems to be that a mix of work in the office and work from home produces the best results...

How People, Companies and Nations Can Grow from the COVID-19 Crisis

A video by Jonathon Haidt about how we can thrive in the Age of COVID-19. Excellent advice for individuals, leaders and parents. Highly recommended listen to the first twenty minutes...

Work with Purpose: Podcast featuring Brendan Murphy and Caroline Edwards

The work with purpose podcast series is excellent. There are a number of episodes worth listening to. Start with this one...

An analysis of three COVID-19 outbreaks

An excellent analysis of how three outbreaks happened and how they can be avoided. Recommended...

Research: 3 Biases That Shaped CEOs’ Pandemic Response

This study looks at the impact of individual decision-making biases on CEO's response to the pandemic. Knowing which decision-making biases you bring to the table — and how to combat them — will help you better manage future crises...

Looking after yourself during the crisis

Beyond Blue has suggested 10 ways to take care of yourself during the coronavirus...

The Law of Regression to the Tail: How to Mitigate COVID-19, Climate Change, and Other Catastrophic Risks

A fascinating discussion about the challenge of preparing for and responding to extreme events. The lessons from COVID-19 apply equally to other natural disasters, and other events with potentially major impacts such as cybercrime, wars, IT procurement and climate change. Worth reading...

How CEOs Can Support Employee Mental Health in a Crisis

Here are five steps that every leader can take to make an immediate impact...

Workforce sustainability: COVID-19 recovery

New South Wales government agency icare has released a research report on the impact of public health emergencies on the sustainability and recovery of the state’s workforce, along with an employer toolkit on transitioning the workforce. Read the Executive Summary of the report on workforce sustainability...

Strategies for transitioning back into the workplace after coronavirus

These tips will help you manage your mental health as you transition back into the physical workplace...

Free online mental health self-help programmes from the Australian National University

A range of online self-help programmes that help individuals to deal with anxiety and depression...

Mental Health Guru

Free, online training and resources for supervisors and staff to help your organisation to appropriately manage mental health issues and reduce associated productivity losses...

Ways to look after your mental health amid the coronavirus pandemic

Beyond Blue outlines a number of different ways that people can manage their wellbeing...


HeadGear is a free easy-to-use smartphone app that guides you through a 30–day mental fitness challenge which includes mindfulness tasks and exercises...

Safe Work Australia checklists for COVID-19

A wonderful resource that everyone should read. There are a range of checklists: for keeping workers safe at work and at home; home office setup requirements; physical distancing; cleaning of offices, and good hygiene and facilities...

Comcare advice for employees and employers during Covid-19

Comprehensive package of material for employees and supervisors about working from home and looking after yourself. An excellent product with links to external resources...

Safe Work Australia guide to Mental Health

A wide range of resources of work related mental health resources and advice from across all Australian jurisdictions. Recommend that you scan this...

COVID-19 Response Planning Preparedness Considerations

A comprehensive decision making toolkit developed by Aon for the private sector. It is worthwhile looking through this to check that you have everything covered...