
Preserving Optionality: Preparing for the Unknown

This is an essay for our times. The author argues that to keep your options open, you need diversity. This applies to supply chains, to pandemic planning, to your future career and to most of the unknowns that you face...

How People, Companies and Nations Can Grow from the COVID-19 Crisis

A video by Jonathon Haidt about how we can thrive in the Age of COVID-19. Excellent advice for individuals, leaders and parents. Highly recommended listen to the first twenty minutes...

Perspective and performance in uncertain times

An 8 minute video which will help you to find perspective, adapt and grow in these uncertain times...

How To Get Sleep In Uneasy Times

Having trouble getting to sleep these days? You're not alone. For people with a history of insomnia, sleep problems are magnified right now. Here's what you can do about it...

Empathy Starts with Curiosity

A thoughtful essay on the personal impacts of social isolation and the challenges of spending more time with yourself...

Parenting Kids with Anxiety

A very thoughtful article explaining what parents can do to build resilience in children and to reduce anxiety. There are lots of lessons here for us as well as our children...

Wellbeing tips for UN Personnel during COVID-19

Tips and resources for maintaining your psychological wellbeing during this period when your normal routines are disrupted. Including links to related resources on telecommuting and stress reduction...

Staying healthy at home

A two page summary from the UN on how to stay healthy at home during COVID-19...

Psychology of Survival - A look at stress

An extract from the US Army field guide. Particularly interesting description of the importance of stress, natural reactions, how to prepare yourself for stress and the importance of learning stress management techniques including: time management skills, relaxation techniques, assertiveness skills and cognitive restructuring skills. You all need to develop these skills...

Stress: That Discomfort You're Feeling Is Grief

Some of you or your staff will be experiencing grief. There is value in naming it, acknowledging it and then managing it. Here is how...

Lead Your Business Through the Coronavirus Crisis

A useful article from the Harvard Business Review about leading through this crisis. There are some very useful principles about designing future policies with resilience principles embedded. They also look at preparing for a different future...

Using Models to Stay Calm in Charged Situations

Mental models can be used to navigate through challenging or confusing situations. This article gives a practical example of using mental models to enable you to remain calm in a situation where passions can run high and cloud your judgement. These skills are particularly useful in times of crisis...

Turn off worry and turn on resilience

During times of crisis, your mind can become overwhelmed with negative thinking. Here are some strategies to deal with that...

Building Resilience

Comcare has produced a summary of best practice in building resilience, following an extensive literature review. It is a really valuable resource. Read it carefully and take action to improve your and your teams resilience. Consider the evidence about what skills you can build and resources that you can use...

How toxic leaders destroy people as well as organisations

New research suggests three in ten leaders are “toxic”. An expert in organisational leadership breaks down the five types of toxic leaders and what impact they have on the culture and staff around them...

The Stories That Bind Us: how to build resilience in children

There is a lot written about how to build a strong leadership team. But, how do you build a strong family? It seems that the answer is simple - share the story of your family's history - both the ups and the downs...