Australian Politics

ICAC Report on Investigation into Pork Barrelling in NSW

ICAC found that in certain circumstances pork barrelling can constitute corrupt behaviour and that criminal punishment is warranted. This report is a shot across the bows of NSW politicians and will influence behaviour in other jurisdictions...

Political appointments to public roles

The Grattan Institute has published a very important report on the extent to which public roles are being filled by political appointments. We have a problem that is getting worse. They recommend some changes. Shining a light on the problem is a good start...

On Mutiny - by David Speers

Why was Malcolm Turnbull removed and how did Scott Morrison emerge as Australia's thirtieth prime minister? On Mutiny is the inside story, a blow-by-blow exposé of the plotting, double dealing and numbers game by politicians in the most brutal period in Australian politics since the Dismissal...

Plots and Prayers - by Niki Savva

The inside story of a bungled coup that overthrew the Liberal prime minister, Malcolm Turnbull, and installed a surprise successor, Scott Morrison. Revealing insights into the character of individual Ministers...

Victorian Opposition refers four Secretaries to the corruption watchdog

The Victorian Opposition have referred four Secretaries to IBAC suggesting that they authorised the use of taxpayer’s money for advertisements designed to influence the Federal election. This is a reminder that it is becoming harder for senior public servants to be seen as independent from politics...

Michelle Grattan - the outlook for 2017

2017 will test whether Prime Minister Turnbull can rise above the times that do not suit him...

Sir Roland Wilson annual oration delivered by The Hon John Howard

Economic reform is still possible but there are two preconditions - the reason for it needs to be explained and it needs to be seen as fair...