Australian Commonwealth, State and Territory Public Service

Contractors in the firing line as public service headcount soars

The Australian Public Service is growing at a very fast rate.  The APS will be 25% larger than it was before the pandemic. I note that at the same time Victoria and New Zealand are cutting.  Every jurisdiction is a different point in the cycle of expansion and contraction...

Is the political system letting down the Australian public?

An excellent speech from Michelle Grattan that looks at declining trust in institutions and what needs to be done.  She calls for a Royal Commission into the public service...

Rebuilding trust and integrity after robodebt 

Gordon de Brouwer and Kathy Leigh talk about what now needs to be done...

Discrimination must be eliminated from the public service

An excellent article by Andrew Leigh, calling out a problem which exists in most public services.  It is a reminder that the public service should be representative of the people that it serves...

Victoria's IBAC highlights grey corruption from Ministerial staff

This report from IBAC highlights behaviour by Ministerial staff which is illegal in NSW. I recommend that you read the special report summary...

Statement of Standards for Ministerial Staff

These are the standards for Ministerial Staff in the Australian Government. You should read closely standards 11 and 12...

Coaldrake Review of Integrity and Accountability in the Queensland Public Service

This is worth reading. The Government has accepted the recommendations, including the release of Cabinet documents after 30 days. The Review found that there often is a bullying culture and a short term political focus in Queensland. It recommends fixed 5 year contracts for senior public servants. The Review also notes that the tone from the top matters (this is likely to be an understatement)...

Strengthening Partnerships

A valuable set of papers about how the staff of the APS should work with Ministers and their staff. The checklist at the end of the paper on Ministerial transitions should be used for reference by senior public servants from every jurisdiction...

Politicisation of the Public Service: Issues Paper and Request for Submissions

The Victorian Ombudsman is seeking submissions on whether the Victorian Public service has been politicised.  The background to the enquiry is this article in The Age. We are on a slippery slope here.  There is great value in public servants getting experience in a Ministerial Office.  There is also a problem with the tribal nature of some senior appointments...

Speech by the Shadow Treasurer, Jim Chalmers

In late November the Shadow Treasurer, Jim Chalmers, gave a speech which included important proposals for the public sector.  This article (paywall) and the speech which can be accessed through the link is of interest to those of you from the Australian Public Service...

Unseemly fight breaks out between two NSW Departments

There is a lot to learn from this saga. It is a great example of the money wasted on consultants...

Queensland Public Service strengthens guidance on how Director-Generals are recruited

The guidelines for recruiting Secretaries, Chief Executives and Director-Generals in Australia are usually opaque.  Queensland have released more detailed guidance on how the process should be done.  There is a suggestion that this action follows a critique from the Queensland Crime and Corruption Commission. Any action that strengthens good governance is welcome...

The Australian Public Service grows in size after years of decline

This new federal budget saw the Coalition turn about-face on an almost decade-long crusade: its quest to cut public sector jobs to attain the "right"-sized workforce...

Doing, not pleasing: a Government insider’s recipe for leadership

Former chief adviser to Paul Keating and departmental secretary Don Russell offers advice for ministers and bureaucratic leaders looking to reboot good government...

Public service and the decline of capability

The Jim Carlton Annual Integrity Lecture was given by Glyn Davis who was a member of the recent Independent Review of the Australian Public Service.  I encourage you to read this. One message that I take from  reading the Lecture is that the recommendations of the recent review which have not been adopted as yet, will be adopted in time...

Pleasers and doers: the push and pull of being a political warrior

A thoughtful article by Don Russell about the role of ministers, the public service and Secretaries of Departments...

Public Sector Capability Report

This report, authored by several current and former public servants draws attention to the erosion of capability in public services and singles out the erosion of policy capability.  They recommend creating promotion opportunities for subject matter specialists, the reduction in the use of consultants for policy and strategy work, and increased professional development focussed on digital transformation.  Copies have been sent to all Public Service Commissioners...

Australian Public Service Commission – Code of Conduct for Ministerial Staff

I was looking through the Australian Public Service Commission website and found this Circular which sets out the code of conduct for Ministerial Staff. It was written in 2008, but still applies.  Worth a read...

Queensland strengthens their Public Service

Following a review by Peter Bridgman, Queensland has introduced legislation to strengthen the ‘permanent public service’ and increase the investment in managerial capability...

Prime Minister Morrison - Address to the Australian Public Service

Every APS staff member should have read this.   It is a good guide to what needs to be done.  Those from other Public Services should skim it...

Victoria starts to wind back from 'Peak Consulting'

The Victorian Public Service have introduced mandatory guidelines to reduce expenditure on consultants, to stop consultants being used for core public service work and to increase skill transfer.  This is the beginning of the swing back from 'Peak Consulting'...

WA copies the Service NSW model

WA has moved from a focus on an integrated online service for citizens to offer an integrated shopfront.  They are copying the success of the NSW model...

Early reflections from the Review Panel looking at the future of the Australian Public Service

A speech by David Thodey to the Australian Institute of Company Directors in which he gives some early reflections on the Review and what options they are considering.  Well worth a read...

Public service independence hinges on appointments

Professor Richard Mulgan argues that the Thodey review of the Australian Public Service cannot afford to take APS values of respect for due process and the rule of law for granted and that the independence of the public service is under threat...

NSW Public Sector at a glance

A quick and interesting infographic summary of the NSW public service.  Highly recommended...

Summary of the impact of the Federal Budget on the Australian Public Service

See the whole of APS initiatives and the staffing impact by portfolio...

Victorian Budget invests in the public sector

The Victorian Budget includes funding to improve the capability of the public sector...

Review of the Australian Public Service announced

The Australian government has announced a major review of the Australian Public Service. The outcome of this Review may shape the public service for the next generation. There is no doubt that changes are needed...

Public Sector Capability

Professor Anne Tiernan writes about the changing nature of the electorate, the professionalisation of political parties, the decline in trust of institutions and the impact on the public service...

Employee-Led Mutual to Delivery NDIS Services in SA

The UK created a large number of employee led Mutuals and spun them out of the public sector.  I had expected more of these to appear in Australia. Here is one emerging in South Australia to serve customers of the NDIS...

Mobilizing around purpose

Chris Eccles, the Secretary of the Victorian Department of Premier and Cabinet talks about the Public Purpose Sector of which the Public Service is a part.  He also argues that having a clear moral purpose is a pre-condition for any public policy endeavour...

Machinery of Government changes in the Queensland Public Service

The new Queensland government has announced new machinery of government changes.  See what departments disappeared, and what new ones emerged...

NSW, new Premier with new priorities.  What are the priorities for the NSW government

NSW has 30 priorities.  Of these, 12 are the Premier’s priorities.  What are they? Have you briefed on this?..

Public service capability run down 'too far'

Podcast by Geraldine Doogue on the huge increase in consulting and in temporary labour hire in the Australian Public Service. There is a Parliamentary Inquiry into this issue. One of the interviewees, Tony Shepherd, the former boss of the Business Council of Australia argues that the public service has been run down too far. Hopefully this is the beginning of a recognition that we need to reinvest in the public service...

Rise of the Chief of Staff

The Chief of Staff role is increasingly important whether it is Chief of Staff to the Minister, to the Secretary or to a Deputy.

Valedictory speech by Gordon de Brouwer, retiring Secretary of the Department of Environment and Energy

Gordon suggests that the levels in the SES should be reduced from four (including the Secretary level) to three.  He also encourages the public service to learn to speak and write in a way that ordinary Australians can understand...

Review of the WA public service

The Review Panel, chaired by former State Services Head Iain Rennie has released a one page summary of their work so far. It looks to be on the right track - cut cost but also strengthen the leadership, integrate the service, and focus efforts on serving the community...

IPAA ACT address by Mike Mrdak

Mike Mrdak, the then Secretary of the Commonwealth Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development turned some heads in this address.  He makes the point that "If you want to see a reform agenda killed early, hand it over to the PMO, PM&C or Premier’s departments, and you’ll not see it ever come to fruition"...

Tough Budget in WA targets the public sector

The number of Departments get reduced from 41 to 25; there is a 20% cut in SES and 3,000 redundancies.  Twenty per cent of the savings will be invested in reforms to improve service delivery and reduce red tape.  Other reforms include a Justice Pipeline Model and a Sustainable Health Review...

Prime Minister's press release announcing the changes to Departmental Secretaries in the Australian Public Service

This is the largest ever shift of Commonwealth Secretaries - 9 are on the move.  The moves have been long anticipated. Overall, it is a good package of moves and the certainty will help to settle the APS...

Governing in an era of distrust

An important speech by Chris Eccles, Secretary of the Victorian Department of Premier and Cabinet about how to build trust in the public service and through this trust in government. The public service is an important institution and needs to be strong to underpin our democracy...

International Civil Service Effectiveness rankings

The recent rankings have just been released.  New Zealand is second and Australia third in the international rankings. The rankings are of National Civil Services. It is worth scanning the results to see where each country is seen as strong and why...

Independent Intelligence Review

Far reaching review of the Australian Intelligence Agencies with wide ranging recommendations.  Worth reading the summary.  Much of this will be picked up and implemented...

Service Priority Review of the WA Public Service

The WA Government has commissioned a Review of the WA Public Service by a panel to be chaired by Iain Rennie, former NZ State Service Commissioner and including Mike Dillon, former Deputy Secretary in the Commonwealth.  See the Terms of Reference...

Location of Corporate Commonwealth Entities Order

A Commonwealth regulation that prevents specified organisations from locating their headquarters closer than 150km from a capital city.  This regulation is not subject to review by Parliament.  Is this the beginning of a longer term move of the Commonwealth entities to rural areas...

Gifts, benefits and hospitality

The Victorian Public Service Commission has released a new policy for Victoria.  It is good to see some greater consistency and clarity...

Victorian Review of Executive Officer employment and remuneration

An excellent review with timely suggestions on changes that are worth making.  Interesting tables showing SES pay rates across Australia...

The future of the public service - imagination and disruption

This article compares two recent articles which forecast the future disruption facing the public sector and the skills that will be needed for public servants to thrive in the future.  One study is of the Canadian public sector, the other of the Australian public sector...

Citizens’ Jury to decide the future of Geelong democracy

Well done to Victoria in using a Citizen Jury to recommend the way ahead for Geelong.  We will see more use of Citizens’ Juries in the future...

Making our good bureaucracy great

The world changes continuously.  The public service must change with it or lose public trust...

What will the public sector look like in 10 years?

Chris Eccles, the Secretary of the Victorian Department of Premier and Cabinet argues the case for outcomes based policy and outlines examples of where it has worked and of policy priorities that would benefit from this approach.  I expect that Bill English, the New Zealand Deputy Prime Minister would enjoy this speech...

Good Government for Victoria

The Liberal Party of Australia (Victorian Division) Review of the 2014 State Election. Dr David Kemp led this Review. It is worth reading to understand the Party's view of the role of the Ministers, of Advisers and of the public service…

Peter Varghese - valedictory speech (video)

Recommended – especially the section about clarity on the role of public servants versus the role of political staffers…

Very unusual payments

A damning, succinct and hard hitting article about the corruption that was uncovered in the Victorian Education Department...

Prime Minister Turnbull's speech to the public service.

It is six years since an Australian PM has given a speech to the public service. Worth a read...

Following suit: why political conventions matter

Political conventions matter: under the Westminster system they shape the interaction between Ministers and public servants. The first in a series of articles by Professor Richard Mulgan...

Lessons from the Home Insulation Program

Peter Shergold's final report on lessons from the Home Insulation Program.  The Executive Summary is 'must read' for all public servants.  In it he recommends a wide number of changes.  Key recommendations are ensuring that advice to Ministers is documented and a range of ways to 'open up' the public service...

Leadership from the Centre

In case you missed it - an edited extract from a thoughtful speech given by Chris Eccles (the Secretary of the Victorian Department of Premier and Cabinet) in November...

Frustration with Department of Education and Training reaches boiling point

In a former edition we reported on problems in Education in Victoria.  Here is the view from the Victorian Ombudsman.  A great platform for the new Secretary...

2015 Garran Oration by the NSW Premier

An excellent speech by Premier Baird encouraging public servants to be passionate and brave...

Thanks should be enough

Report by the Tasmanian Integrity Commissioner identifying poor practice across the Tasmanian public service and arguing that public servants should not accept any gifts. Recommended reading...

Graduation speech by John LLoyd, the APS Commissioner

This is a brief address to graduates in Brisbane.  It is worth reading Mr LLoyd's views about the future of the public service...

Delayering the APS

We have been predicting a push for flatter structures in the APS for a few years. The Australian Public Service Commission has just produced an implementation guide for how this should be achieved...

Public Sector Size

A helpful summary of the Commonwealth's agenda to reduce the size of the public sector...

APS Staffing and Efficiency

Efficiency dividends reduce, staffing freeze lifts and centralisation grows...

Imagining the 21st Century Public Service Workforce

The University of Melbourne worked with the Victorian Public Service Commission to imagine the future public service workforce, the new roles that would emerge and the new skills that would be in demand...